Source code for Assign_GUP.email_template

# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016, UChicago Argonne, LLC.
# See LICENSE file for details.

Create email notices to each Reviewer describing specific assignments

from lxml import etree
import os

import agup_data
import plainTextEdit
import resources
import xml_utility

DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FILE = resources.resource_file('email_template.txt')
    # these are example values
    PANEL_CHAIR = 'Pete Jemian',
    CC = 'Beverly Knott <>',
    REVIEW_CYCLE = '2015-2',
    PRP_DATE = '2015-03-24',
    This time there are two project proposals:
       GUP-11111 at 5-ID
       GUP-22222 at 12ID
       We've discussed the responsibilities for reviewing project proposals.
       If you have any questions, call or write me.

    This is no PUP to review this cycle.
REVIEWER_FIELDS = dict(     # to be filled with data from an instance of Reviewer
    FULL_NAME = 'A. Reviewer',
    EMAIL = '',
    ASSIGNED_PRIMARY_PROPOSALS = '11111 22222 33333',
    ASSIGNED_SECONDARY_PROPOSALS = '44444 55555 66666',

[docs]class EmailTemplate(object): ''' Support the creation of custom emails to each Reviewer from template and fields It is possible to create and use custom fields. Be sure that the custom fields are *uniquely identifiable* to avoid replacing the wrong text. ''' def __init__(self): filename = resources.resource_file(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FILE) self.email_template = open(filename).read() self.keyword_dict = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FIELDS
[docs] def mass_merge(self, reviewers, **kw): ''' create emails for all Reviewers, return as a dictionary by sort_name :param obj reviewers: instance of revu_mvc_data.AGUP_Reviewers_List ''' book = {} for rvwr in reviewers: sort_name = rvwr.getSortName() fields = {} fields['FULL_NAME'] = rvwr.getFullName() fields['EMAIL'] = rvwr.getEmail() fields['ASSIGNED_PRIMARY_PROPOSALS'] = 'list of primaries' # TODO: fields['ASSIGNED_SECONDARY_PROPOSALS'] = 'list of secondaries' # TODO: fields.update(kw) # any other substitutions book[sort_name] = self.mail_merge(**fields) return book
[docs] def mail_merge(self, **kw_dict): ''' create one email with a mail merge of self.keyword_dict and kw_dict into self.email_template suggest defining at least these four keywords, to be applied for each reviewer during mail merge step (values filled in programmatically):: FULL_NAME = 'Ima Reviewer', EMAIL = '', ASSIGNED_PRIMARY_PROPOSALS = '11111 22222 33333', ASSIGNED_SECONDARY_PROPOSALS = '44444 55555 66666', ''' kw = self.keyword_dict.copy() # start with this keyword dictionary kw.update(kw_dict) # add/replace with supplied kw_dict email = self.email_template # grab the current template for k, v in kw.items(): email = email.replace(k, v) return email
[docs] def importXml(self, filename): ''' :param str filename: name of XML file with email template and keywords ''' doc = xml_utility.readValidXmlDoc(filename, agup_data.AGUP_MASTER_ROOT_TAG, agup_data.AGUP_XML_SCHEMA_FILE ) root = doc.getroot() email_node = root.find('notification_email') if email_node is not None: text = xml_utility.getXmlText(email_node, 'email_template') self.email_template = text or self.email_template self.keyword_dict = {} for node in email_node.findall('Key'): k = node.attrib['name'] v = node.text.strip() self.keyword_dict[k] = v
[docs] def writeXmlNode(self, root_node): ''' write email template data to the XML document :param obj root_node: XML node to contain this data ''' node = etree.SubElement(root_node, 'notification_email') etree.SubElement(node, 'email_template').text = self.email_template for k, v in self.keyword_dict.items(): key_node = etree.SubElement(node, 'Key') key_node.attrib['name'] = k key_node.text = v.strip()
if __name__ == '__main__': et = EmailTemplate() print et.mail_merge(**REVIEWER_FIELDS)