Source code for Assign_GUP.main_window

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017, UChicago Argonne, LLC.
# See LICENSE file for details.

:mod:`Main` code runs the GUI.

import os, sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
import traceback

import about
import agup_data
import auto_assignment
import history
import prop_mvc_view
import proposal
import resources
import revu_mvc_view
import settings
import signals
import topics
import topics_editor

AGUP_filters = ';;'.join( ('AGUP PRP Project (*.agup)', 
                           'PRP Project (*.prp)', 
                           'XML File (*.xml)') )
AGUP_OPEN_FILTER = 'AGUP PRP Project (*.agup *.prp *.xml)'

UI_FILE = 'main_window.ui'
# LOG_MINOR_DETAILS = True        # developer use

ANALYSISGRID_REPORT = 'analysisGrid_report'
ASSIGNMENT_REPORT = 'assignment_report'
EMAIL_REPORT = 'email_report'
EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EDITOR = 'email_template_editor'
PROPOSAL_VIEW = 'proposal_view'
REVIEWER_VIEW = 'reviewer_view'
SUMMARY_REPORT = 'summary_report'

[docs]class AGUP_MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): ''' Creates a Qt GUI for the main window ''' def __init__(self): self.settings = settings.ApplicationQSettings() self.agup = agup_data.AGUP_Data(self, self.settings) QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) resources.loadUi(UI_FILE, baseinstance=self) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.main_window_title = self.windowTitle() self.restoreWindowGeometry() self.modified = False self.forced_exit = False # keep these objects in a dictionary to simplify admin = {}[ANALYSISGRID_REPORT] = None[ASSIGNMENT_REPORT] = None[EMAIL_REPORT] = None[EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EDITOR] = None[PROPOSAL_VIEW] = None[REVIEWER_VIEW] = None[SUMMARY_REPORT] = None self._init_history_() history.addLog('loaded "' + UI_FILE + '"', False) self.custom_signals = signals.CustomSignals() self._init_mainwindow_widget_values_() self._init_connections_() filename = self.settings.getPrpFile() if os.path.exists(filename): self.openPrpFile(filename) self.modified = False self.adjustMainWindowTitle() def _init_history_(self): self.history_logger = history.Logger(log_file=None, level=history.NO_LOGGING, statusbar=self.statusbar, history_widget=self.history, minor_details=LOG_MINOR_DETAILS) history.addMessageToHistory = self.history_logger.add def _init_mainwindow_widget_values_(self): self.setPrpFileText(self.settings.getPrpFile()) self.setRcFileText(self.settings.fileName()) self.setReviewCycleText(self.settings.getReviewCycle()) for key in sorted(self.settings.allKeys()): value = self.settings.getKey(key) history.addLog('Configuration option: %s = %s' % (key, str(value)), False) def _init_connections_(self): self.actionNew_PRP_Project.triggered.connect(self.doNewPrpFile) self.actionOpen.triggered.connect(self.doOpenPrpFile) # self.actionUndo.triggered.connect() # self.actionCut.triggered.connect() # self.actionCopy.triggered.connect() # self.actionPaste.triggered.connect() # self.actionSelect_All.triggered.connect() self.actionImport_Topics.triggered.connect(self.doImportTopics) self.actionImport_Reviewers.triggered.connect(self.doImportReviewers) self.actionImport_Proposals.triggered.connect(self.doImportProposals) self.actionEdit_proposals.triggered.connect(self.doEditProposals) self.actionEdit_Reviewers.triggered.connect(self.doEditReviewers) self.actionEdit_Topics.triggered.connect(self.doEditTopics) self.actionEdit_Email_Template.triggered.connect(self.doEditEmailTemplate) self.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.doSave) self.actionSaveAs.triggered.connect(self.doSaveAs) self.actionReset_settings.triggered.connect(self.doResetDefaultSettings) self.actionExit.triggered.connect(self.doClose) self.actionAgupInfo.triggered.connect(self.doAgupInfo) self.actionSummary.triggered.connect(self.doSummaryReport) self.actionLetters.triggered.connect(self.doLettersReport) self.actionAssignments.triggered.connect(self.doAssignmentsReport) self.actionAnalysis_grid.triggered.connect(self.doAnalysis_gridReport) self.actionAutomated_assignment.triggered.connect(self.doAutomatedAssignment) self.actionUnassign_all_proposals.triggered.connect(self.doUnassignProposals)
[docs] def doAgupInfo(self, *args, **kw): ''' describe this application and where to get more info ''' history.addLog('Info... box requested', False) # bless the Mac that it handles "about" differently ui = about.InfoBox(self, self.settings)
[docs] def adjustMainWindowTitle(self): ''' mark if main window is dirty indicate in main window title when there are unsaved modifications (i.e., when self.cannotProceed() is True) ''' title = self.main_window_title if self.cannotProceed(): title += ' (*)' self.setWindowTitle(title)
[docs] def cannotProceed(self): ''' advise if the application has unsaved changes and should not do the proposed action ''' if self.forced_exit: return False decision = self.modified if[PROPOSAL_VIEW] is not None: decision |=[PROPOSAL_VIEW].isProposalListModified() if[REVIEWER_VIEW] is not None: decision |=[REVIEWER_VIEW].isReviewerListModified() return decision
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): ''' called when user clicks the big [X] to quit ''' history.addLog('application forced quit requested', False) if self.cannotProceed(): if self.confirmAbandonChangesNotOk(): event.ignore() else: self.doClose() event.accept() else: self.doClose() event.accept() # let the window close
[docs] def closeSubwindows(self): ''' close all other windows created by this code ''' for window_name, window in if window is not None: window.close() window.destroy()[window_name] = None
[docs] def doClose(self, *args, **kw): ''' called when user chooses exit (or quit), or from closeEvent() ''' history.addLog('application exit requested', False) if self.cannotProceed(): if self.confirmAbandonChangesNotOk(): return self.saveWindowGeometry() self.closeSubwindows() self.close()
[docs] def confirmAbandonChangesNotOk(self): ''' Ask user to save changes before exit or opening another project. Return True if application should *NOT* exit. ''' ret = self.requestConfirmation('The project data has changed.', 'Save the changes?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Save | QtGui.QMessageBox.Discard | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Save) if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Save: history.addLog('Save before action proceeds') self.doSave() elif ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: history.addLog('action was canceled') return True # action should NOT proceed elif ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Discard: self.forced_exit = True history.addLog('Discard Changes before action proceeds') else: msg = 'wrong button value from confirmAbandonChangesNotOk dialog: ' + str(ret) history.addLog('ValueError: ' + msg) raise ValueError(msg) return False # application should exit
[docs] def doResetDefaultSettings(self): ''' user requested to reset the settings to their default values Note: does not write to the rcfile ''' history.addLog('Reset to Default Settings requested', False) self.settings.resetDefaults() self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
[docs] def doNewPrpFile(self): ''' clear the data in self.agup ''' history.addLog('New PRP File requested', False) if self.cannotProceed(): ret = self.requestConfirmation('There are unsaved changes.', 'Forget about them?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: return self.closeSubwindows() #self.agup.clearAllData() # TODO: Why not make a new self.agup object? self.agup = agup_data.AGUP_Data(self, self.settings) self.modified = False self.setPrpFileText('') self.setIndicators() history.addLog('New PRP File') self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
[docs] def getOpenFileName(self, *args, **items): '''convenience wrapper for Qt open file dialog''' return str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(*args, **items))
[docs] def doOpenPrpFile(self): ''' open an existing PRP file ''' history.addLog('Open PRP File requested', True) if self.cannotProceed(): if self.confirmAbandonChangesNotOk(): return self.forced_exit = False # may have been set in confirmAbandonChangesNotOk() flags = QtGui.QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks title = 'Open PRP file' prp_file = self.settings.getPrpFile() if len(prp_file) == 0: prp_path = '' else: prp_path = os.path.dirname(prp_file) #open_cmd = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName #filename = str(open_cmd(None, title, prp_path, AGUP_OPEN_FILTER)) filename = self.getOpenFileName(None, title, prp_path, AGUP_OPEN_FILTER) if os.path.exists(filename): self.openPrpFile(filename) history.addLog('selected PRP file: ' + filename)
[docs] def openPrpFile(self, filename): ''' choose the XML file with data for this PRP review ''' history.addLog('Opening PRP file: ' + filename) self.closeSubwindows() self.agup = agup_data.AGUP_Data(self, self.settings) self.modified = False self.setPrpFileText('') self.setIndicators() try: self.agup.openPrpFile(filename) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc()) self.requestConfirmation( filename + ' could not open as AGUP Project file', 'Import AGUP Project file failed' ) return self.setPrpFileText(filename) self.setIndicators() history.addLog('Open PRP file: ' + filename)
[docs] def doEditProposals(self): ''' edit the list of Proposals ''' win =[PROPOSAL_VIEW] if win is None: win = prop_mvc_view.AGUP_Proposals_View(self, self.agup, self.settings) win.custom_signals.checkBoxGridChanged.connect(self.onAssignmentsChanged) win.custom_signals.topicValueChanged.connect(self.onTopicValuesChanged)[PROPOSAL_VIEW] = win
[docs] def doEditReviewers(self): ''' edit the list of Reviewers ''' win =[REVIEWER_VIEW] if win is None: win = revu_mvc_view.AGUP_Reviewers_View(self, self.agup, self.settings) win.custom_signals.recalc.connect(self.doRecalc) win.custom_signals.topicValueChanged.connect(self.onTopicValuesChanged)[REVIEWER_VIEW] = win
[docs] def doEditTopics(self): ''' Create Window to edit list of Topics ''' # post the editor GUI history.addLog('Edit Topics ... requested', False) self.closeSubwindows() known_topics = self.agup.topics.getTopicList() edit_topics_ui = topics_editor.AGUP_TopicsEditor(self, known_topics, self.settings) edit_topics_ui.exec_() # Modal Dialog # closing the dialog produces this benign warning on Mac OSX: # modalSession has been exited prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession: # no real fix yet, see: # learn what changed topics_list = edit_topics_ui.getTopicList() added, removed = topics.diffLists(topics_list, known_topics) if len(added) + len(removed) == 0: history.addLog('list of topics unchanged') self.adjustMainWindowTitle() return if False: # skip this confirmation check now if not self.confirmEditTopics(): history.addLog('revised list of topics not accepted') self.adjustMainWindowTitle() return False self.agup.topics.addTopics(added) self.agup.proposals.addTopics(added) self.agup.reviewers.addTopics(added) history.addLog('added topics: ' + ' '.join(added)) self.agup.topics.removeTopics(removed) self.agup.proposals.removeTopics(removed) self.agup.reviewers.removeTopics(removed) history.addLog('deleted topics: ' + ' '.join(removed)) history.addLog('Note: Be sure to review Topics for all Proposals and Reviewers.') self.modified = True self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
[docs] def confirmEditTopics(self): ''' confirm before proceeding ''' ret = self.requestConfirmation('The list of topics has changed.', 'Save the changes?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Save | QtGui.QMessageBox.Discard, QtGui.QMessageBox.Save) return ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Save
[docs] def doImportProposals(self): ''' import the proposal file as downloaded from the APS web site ''' history.addLog('Import Proposals requested', False) title = 'Choose XML file with proposals' prp_path = os.path.dirname(self.settings.getPrpFile()) open_cmd = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName path = str(open_cmd(None, title, prp_path, "Proposals (*.xml)")) if os.path.exists(path): history.addLog('selected file: ' + path, False) self.importProposals(path) history.addLog('imported proposals file: ' + path)
[docs] def importProposals(self, filename): '''read a proposals XML file and set the model accordingly''' try: self.agup.importProposals(filename) except Exception as exc: tb = traceback.format_exc() history.addLog(tb) summary = 'Import Proposals failed.' msg = os.path.basename(filename) + ': ' msg += str(exc.message) self.requestConfirmation(msg, summary) # ensure each imported proposal has the correct Topics for prop in self.agup.proposals: added, removed = self.agup.topics.diff(prop.topics) prop.addTopics(added) prop.removeTopics(removed) self.modified = True self.setIndicators() history.addLog('imported Proposals from: ' + filename) if self.getReviewCycleText() == '': self.setReviewCycleText(self.agup.proposals.cycle)
[docs] def doImportReviewers(self): ''' copy the list of Reviewers into this project from another PRP Project file ''' history.addLog('Import Reviewers requested', False) title = 'Choose a PRP Project file to copy its Reviewers' prp_path = os.path.dirname(self.settings.getPrpFile()) open_cmd = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName path = str(open_cmd(None, title, prp_path, AGUP_OPEN_FILTER)) if os.path.exists(path): self.importReviewers(path)
[docs] def importReviewers(self, filename): '''read Reviewers from a PRP Project file and set the model accordingly''' try: self.agup.importReviewers(filename) except Exception as exc: tb = traceback.format_exc() history.addLog(tb) summary = 'Import Reviewers failed.' msg = os.path.basename(filename) + ': ' msg += str(exc.message) self.requestConfirmation(msg, summary) # self.setNumTopicsWidget(len(self.agup.topics)) # self.setNumReviewersWidget(len(self.agup.reviewers)) self.onAssignmentsChanged() self.modified = True self.setIndicators() history.addLog('imported Reviewers from: ' + filename)
[docs] def doImportTopics(self): ''' copy the list of Topics from another PRP file into this project ''' history.addLog('Import Topics requested', False) title = 'Choose a PRP Project file to copy its Topics' prp_path = os.path.dirname(self.settings.getPrpFile()) open_cmd = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName filename = str(open_cmd(None, title, prp_path, AGUP_OPEN_FILTER)) if os.path.exists(filename): self.importTopics(filename) history.addLog('imported Topics from: ' + filename)
[docs] def importTopics(self, filename): '''read Topics from an AGUP PRP Project file and set the model accordingly''' try: self.agup.importTopics(filename) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc()) self.requestConfirmation( filename + ' was not an AGUP Project file', 'Import Topics failed' ) return # self.setNumTopicsWidget(len(self.agup.topics)) self.onTopicValuesChanged('', '', 0.0) self.modified = True self.setIndicators() history.addLog('imported topics from: ' + filename)
[docs] def doRecalc(self): ''' ''' if[PROPOSAL_VIEW] is not None:[PROPOSAL_VIEW].recalc()
[docs] def doSave(self): ''' save the self.agup data to the known project file name ''' history.addLog('Save requested', False) filename = self.settings.getPrpFile() if len(filename) == 0: self.doSaveAs() else: try: self.agup.write(filename) self.modified = False for w in ([PROPOSAL_VIEW],[REVIEWER_VIEW]): if w is not None: w.details_panel.modified = False self.adjustMainWindowTitle() history.addLog('saved: ' + filename) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc()) self.settings.saveEmailKeywords(
[docs] def doSaveAs(self): ''' save the self.agup data to the data file name selected from a dialog box You may choose any file name and extension that you prefer. It is strongly suggested you choose the default file extension, to identify AGUP PRP Project files more easily on disk. Multiple projects files, perhaps for different review cycles, can be saved in the same directory. Or you can save each project file in a different directory as you choose. By default, the file extension will be **.agup**, indicating that this is an AGUP PRP Project file. The extensions *.prp* or *.xml* may be used as alternatives. Each of these describes a file with *exactly the same file format*, an XML document. ''' history.addLog('Save As requested', False) filename = self.settings.getPrpFile() filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(parent=self, caption="Save the PRP project", directory=filename, filter=AGUP_filters) filename = os.path.abspath(str(filename)) if len(filename) == 0: return if os.path.isdir(filename): history.addLog('cannot save, selected a directory: ' + filename) return if os.path.islink(filename): # might need deeper analysis history.addLog('cannot save, selected a link: ' + filename) return if os.path.ismount(filename): history.addLog('cannot save, selected a mount point: ' + filename) return self.agup.write(filename) self.setPrpFileText(filename) self.modified = False for w in ([PROPOSAL_VIEW],[REVIEWER_VIEW]): if w is not None: w.details_panel.modified = False history.addLog('saved: ' + filename) self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
[docs] def onAssignmentsChanged(self): ''' called when a reviewer assignment checkbox has been changed ''' self.modified = True self.adjustMainWindowTitle() windows_to_update = ''' summary_report email_report assignment_report analysisGrid_report proposal_view reviewer_view'''.split() for window_name in windows_to_update: win =[window_name] if win is not None: win.update() self.custom_signals.checkBoxGridChanged.emit()
[docs] def onTopicValuesChanged(self, *args, **kw): ''' called when a proposal or reviewer topic value has been changed ''' self.modified = True self.adjustMainWindowTitle() self.custom_signals.topicValueChanged.emit(*args, **kw)
[docs] def doAutomatedAssignment(self): ''' make automated assignments of reviewers to proposals ''' auto_assign = auto_assignment.Auto_Assign(self.agup) number_changed = auto_assign.simpleAssignment() history.addLog('doAutomatedAssignment() complete', False) if number_changed > 0: if[PROPOSAL_VIEW] is not None:[PROPOSAL_VIEW].close()[PROPOSAL_VIEW] = None self.modified = True self.onAssignmentsChanged()
[docs] def doUnassignProposals(self): ''' Remove ALL assignments of reviewers to proposals ''' history.addLog('doUnassignProposals() requested', False) ret = self.requestConfirmation('Remove ALL assignments of reviewers to proposals', 'Remove ALL?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: history.addLog('doUnassignProposals() was canceled', False) return counter = 0 for prop in self.agup.proposals: for full_name, value in prop.eligible_reviewers.items(): if value is not None: prop.eligible_reviewers[full_name] = None counter += 1 if counter == 0: msg = 'no assignments to be removed' else: msg = str(counter) msg += ' assignment' if counter > 1: msg += 's' msg += ' removed' self.modified = True history.addLog(msg) if[PROPOSAL_VIEW] is not None:[PROPOSAL_VIEW].close()[PROPOSAL_VIEW] = None self.onAssignmentsChanged()
[docs] def doSummaryReport(self): ''' this report is helpful to balance proposal assignments show a read-only text page with how many primary and secondary proposals assigned to each reviewer ''' import report_summary history.addLog('doSummaryReport() requested', False) win =[SUMMARY_REPORT] if win is None: try: win = report_summary.Report(None, self.agup, self.settings)[SUMMARY_REPORT] = win self.custom_signals.checkBoxGridChanged.connect(win.update) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc()) else: win.update()
[docs] def doLettersReport(self): ''' prepare the email form letters to each reviewer with their assignments ''' import email_mvc_view history.addLog('doLettersReport() requested', False) win =[EMAIL_REPORT] if win is None: try: win = email_mvc_view.AGUP_Emails_View(None, self.agup, self.settings)[EMAIL_REPORT] = win self.custom_signals.checkBoxGridChanged.connect(win.update) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc()) else: win.update()
[docs] def doAssignmentsReport(self): ''' show a read-only text page with assignments for each proposal ''' import report_assignments history.addLog('doAssignmentsReport() requested', False) win =[ASSIGNMENT_REPORT] if win is None: try: win = report_assignments.Report(None, self.agup, self.settings)[ASSIGNMENT_REPORT] = win self.custom_signals.checkBoxGridChanged.connect(win.update) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc()) else: win.update()
[docs] def doAnalysis_gridReport(self): ''' show a table with dotProducts for each reviewer against each proposal *and* assignments ''' import report_analysis_grid history.addLog('doAnalysis_gridReport() requested', False) win =[ANALYSISGRID_REPORT] if win is None: try: win = report_analysis_grid.Report(None, self.agup, self.settings)[ANALYSISGRID_REPORT] = win self.custom_signals.checkBoxGridChanged.connect(win.update) self.custom_signals.topicValueChanged.connect(win.update) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc()) else: win.update()
[docs] def doEditEmailTemplate(self): ''' edit the template to send emails, include editor for keyword substitutions ''' import editor_email_template history.addLog('doEditEmailTemplate() requested', False) win =[window_key] if win is None: try: win = editor_email_template.Editor(None, self.agup, self.settings) except Exception: history.addLog(traceback.format_exc())[EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EDITOR] = win win.custom_signals.changed.connect(self.onTemplateChanged) else:
[docs] def onTemplateChanged(self): ''' ''' self.modified = True self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
[docs] def saveWindowGeometry(self): ''' remember where the window was ''' if self.settings is not None: self.settings.saveWindowGeometry(self)
[docs] def restoreWindowGeometry(self): ''' put the window back where it was ''' if self.settings is not None: self.settings.restoreWindowGeometry(self)
# widget getters and setters
[docs] def setPrpFileText(self, text): ''' ''' self.prp_file.setText(text) self.settings.setPrpFile(text) self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
[docs] def setRcFileText(self, text): ''' ''' self.rcfile.setText(text) self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
[docs] def getReviewCycleText(self): ''' ''' return str(self.review_cycle.text())
[docs] def setReviewCycleText(self, text): ''' ''' self.review_cycle.setText(text or '') self.settings.setReviewCycle(text) self.adjustMainWindowTitle()
def _num_to_text_(self, number): if number > 0: text = str(number) else: text = 'no' return text
[docs] def setNumTopicsWidget(self, number): ''' ''' self.num_topics.setText(self._num_to_text_(number))
[docs] def setNumReviewersWidget(self, number): ''' ''' self.num_reviewers.setText(self._num_to_text_(number))
[docs] def setNumProposalsWidget(self, number): ''' ''' self.num_proposals.setText(self._num_to_text_(number))
[docs] def setIndicators(self): '''show the numbers of topics, reviewers, and proposals, also the cycle''' self.setNumTopicsWidget(len(self.agup.topics)) self.setNumReviewersWidget(len(self.agup.reviewers)) self.setNumProposalsWidget(len(self.agup.proposals)) self.setReviewCycleText(self.agup.getCycle())
[docs] def requestConfirmation(self, message, informative_text, buttons=None, default_button=None): ''' request confirmation from the user about something ''' if buttons is None: buttons = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok if default_button is None: default_button = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok box = QtGui.QMessageBox() box.setText(message) box.setInformativeText(informative_text) box.setStandardButtons(buttons) box.setDefaultButton(default_button) return box.exec_()
[docs]def process_command_line(): ''' support command-line options such as ```--help``` and ```--version``` ''' import argparse import __init__ version = __init__.__version__ doc = __init__.__doc__ doc = 'v' + version + ', ' + doc.strip() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=doc) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=version) results = parser.parse_args() pass # if we get here, then OK to proceed to start GUI
[docs]def main(): '''start the program''' import sys process_command_line() app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) mw = AGUP_MainWindow() _r = app.exec_() sys.exit(_r)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()