Source code for Assign_GUP.xml_utility

# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017, UChicago Argonne, LLC.
# See LICENSE file for details.

XML utility methods

from lxml import etree
import os
import traceback

[docs]class IncorrectXmlRootTag(etree.DocumentInvalid): '''the root tag of the XML file is incorrect''' pass
[docs]class InvalidWithXmlSchema(etree.DocumentInvalid): '''error while validating against the XML Schema''' pass
[docs]class XmlSyntaxError(etree.XMLSyntaxError): '''Xml Syntax error''' pass
[docs]def getXmlText(parent, tag, default=None): ''' Read the text content of an XML node :param reviewer: lxml node node :param default: default value is no node text :return: node text or None ''' node = parent.find(tag) if node is None: return None if node.text is None: text = default else: text = node.text.strip() return text
[docs]def readValidXmlDoc(filename, expected_root_tag, XML_Schema_file, alt_root_tag='', alt_schema=None): ''' Common code to read an XML file, validate it with an XML Schema, and return the XML doc object :param str XML_Schema_file: name of XML Schema file (local to package directory) ''' if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError('file not found: ' + filename) # *Could* edit the XML internally but that changes line number references. # One problem (issue 66) is the XML file might start with a blank line. # So, read the XML file as given. doc = etree.parse(filename) try: root = doc.getroot() if root.tag not in (expected_root_tag, alt_root_tag): msg = 'expected=' + expected_root_tag msg += ' (or=' + alt_root_tag + ')' msg += ', received=' + root.tag raise IncorrectXmlRootTag(msg) try: if root.tag == expected_root_tag or alt_schema is None: validate(doc, XML_Schema_file) else: validate(doc, alt_schema) except etree.DocumentInvalid as exc: raise InvalidWithXmlSchema(str(exc)) except Exception as exc: msg = 'In ' + filename + ': ' + traceback.format_exc() raise Exception(msg) return doc
[docs]def validate(xml_tree, XSD_Schema_file): ''' validate an XML document tree against an XML Schema file :param obj xml_tree: instance of etree._ElementTree :param str XSD_Schema_file: name of XSD Schema file (local to package directory) ''' path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) xsd_full_file_name = os.path.join(path, XSD_Schema_file) if not os.path.exists(xsd_full_file_name): raise IOError('Could not find XML Schema file: ' + XSD_Schema_file) xsd_doc = etree.parse(xsd_full_file_name) xsd = etree.XMLSchema(xsd_doc) return xsd.assertValid(xml_tree)