module: topics

Support AGUP topics

class Assign_GUP.topics.Topics[source]

Bases: object

manage the list of AGUP topics (known here as key)

add(key, value=0.0)[source]

define a new topic (known here as key)


add several topics at once (with default values)

Parameters:key_list ([str]) – list of topics (strings) to be added

remove all keys from the list of topics


compare topics in self.topics with the other_topics_object, return True if identical

compares sorted list of topics between each object

Parameters:other_topics_object (obj) – instance of Topics()

differences in list of topics between self.topics and other_topics_object

Comparison assumes that self.topics is the final result. Returned result shows topics added and removed from other_topics_object to obtain current list.

Parameters:other_topics_object (obj) – instance of Topics()
Returns ([],[]):
 first list is topics added, second list is topics removed

normalized dot product of Proposal (self) and Reviewer (other) topic strengths, \(\vec{p} \cdot \vec{r}\)

Parameters:other (obj) – instance of Topics()
Returns:\(\sum{\vec{p} \cdot \vec{r}} / \sum{\vec{p}}\)
  • \(\vec{p}\) is array of topic value strengths for Proposal
  • \(\vec{r}\) is array of topic value strengths for Reviewer

Is key already known?


return value of an existing topic (known here as key)

topic must exist or KeyError exception will be raised


return a list of all topics

importXml(xmlFile, read_values=True)[source]
  • filename (str) – name of XML file with Topics
  • read_values (bool) – import topic values?
importXmlTopics(parent_node, read_values=True)[source]

make this common code segment reuseable

  • parent_node (obj) – XML parent node
  • read_values (bool) – import topic values?

remove the named topic

Parameters:key (str) – topic to be removed

remove several topics at once

Parameters:key_list ([str]) – list of topics (strings) to be removed
set(key, value)[source]

set value of an existing topic (known here as key)

topic must exist or KeyError exception will be raised


sort by topic values

writeXml(specified_node, write_values=True)[source]

write Topics’ data to a specified node in the XML document

  • specified_node (obj) – XML node to contain this data
  • read_values (bool) – write topic values?

topic values must be 0..1 inclusive: standardize this check

Parameters:value (float) – topic value to be checked
Assign_GUP.topics.diffLists(new_list, old_list)[source]

differences between two lists, return tuple([items added], [items removed])

assumes each list had only unique entries, no redundancies

  • new_list ([str]) – new list of strings to be compared
  • old_list ([str]) – old list of strings to be compared

sort list and eliminate redundant items

  • make a dictionary with each list item
  • redundancies will be overwritten
Parameters:the_list ([str]) – list of strings to be sorted
Assign_GUP.topics.synchronizeTopics(a_list, b_list)[source]

make the topic names in each list be the same

  • assumes each topics list had only unique entries, no redundancies
  • modifies objects in place
  • a_list (obj) – instance of Topics()
  • b_list (obj) – instance of Topics()